Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy First Birthday Paisley!

It was exactly one year ago that Baby Girl Ricks came into our world. Not the blog, but the little girl - and she would soon be the biggest joy in our lives. If you read this one day Paisley, please don't let there be any doubt in how much we love you. We are forever grateful for our poor choices in birth control. Just because we've neglected our blog doesn't mean that you aren't our first priority, in fact, that's probably why our writing has suffered.

In honor of Paisley's birthday we promise to post a lengthy update (with pictures) sometime today.


CaraDee said...

I was just thinking of you guys today, and wondering if I was entering the "Baby Girl Ricks" status of ignoring my blog... ha
Happy Birthday Paisley, and can't wait to see an update.

steph said...

Happy Happy Birthday!! Hooray! Did you get free slurpees today too? What a fabulous day to share with 7-Eleven ... Miss seeing you guys. Maybe we should start dessert night back up :)

Shannon said...

Happy Birthday Paisley!
I'm so glad that your parents finally updated this blog, I've been curious what you have been up to. And, you're still amazingly adorable, no surprise there!

Bethany said...

I forgot I share a birthday with your sweet girl! Woo hoo! It sounds like you all had quite an adventure to celebrate. I'm glad you had fun!

Allison said...

Happy Birthday Paisley!! How exciting to be 1 year old! It sounds like it was a wonderful birthday with family and friends.