Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Final Countdown

Amongst our differences, the two of us have always had one very strong trait in common. A short attention span with a touch of procrastination. A fabulous combination for completing major projects. Fortunately, we both have much respect for hard deadlines. Take our moving into the new house for example. We closed in mid-March and finished unloading the last box at the end of that same month. It's now June. We've had some neighborhood visitors and therefore had made most of our progress downstairs. The upstairs on the other hand, was still a bit of an obstacle course. Of course one of those rooms was the nursery that we've been working on. But it was mostly just an excuse. Enter Tim's parents. A short notice visit was just the kick in the pants that we needed. It was amazing just how "settled" we could become in a few days. We take no responsibility for the den.

We're hoping that this will be a precursor to the upcoming birth. We've been trying to distract ourselves with painting the nursery, buying many cute outfits and pieces of furniture. Anything to postponing the reality of child birth. We were getting really excited about taking an instructional parenting class offered by the hospital that would teach us all of the important care taking details. How to swaddle, change diapers, and the art of burping. We finally made the reservation call a few weeks before the scheduled class only to discover that these sorts of things tend to fill up. No room in the inn. We've got nothing. Tim doesn't even know the difference between a normal blanket and a receiving blanket (but let's be honest, neither does Brandi). Sure we're reading books and conducting serious online research, but just like the pain of labor, it's hard to think that any written description can adequately prepare for the first (or one thousandth) messy diaper.

Luckily for us, child birth comes with a pretty hard deadline (more or less - we do realize that it could happen a little sooner, but Brandi insists it won't be later). For us it's exactly four weeks from now. 28 days. Is that the Sandra Bullock movie or the one about the zombies? The closer we get to July 19, the easier it is to focus on. Sort of. We really don't know what we're doing. The problem of procrastination. A trait that's complimented by our open mindedness. So all you parents out there, feel free to throw your best advice at us. Wanna ride bikes?


Tonia Conger said...

Don't feed Paisley steak or trout with the bones left in until she is 3 months old. Choking hazard!

Sherry Jones said...

Leave Paisley downstairs and sleep with a pillow over your head until she learns to sleep through the night.
Don't give in to her demands and stand up for your

Anonymous said...

is that a picture of tim with short hair???

brandi (and tim) said...

Anonymous, I'm pretty sure most of those were distroyed after the wedding lunch slide show. It must be an ILLUSION! Are you serious? Do you not know the magic of Gob?

Sherry, you're funny. But this definitely explains a lot about why Brandi hates pillows. Oh...nevermind. I guess you didn't say the babies head. Guess you learn a lesson with that one!

Tonia, we got several great blenders from our wedding that we hope will over come any problems with meat bones.

Anonymous said...

I found a picture of Tim with short hair. It's in my 4th grade yearbook. I should scan it and post it somewhere...

Laurie said...

Tim with short hair? I seriously struggle to even imagine it...

I just want to throw my two cents in here also! I just have to say that there is no need to be nervous (though I was out of my mind with worry over the diaper changes and feeding schedules also!!), but that because she is YOUR baby, being with her will be far more natural than being with any other baby that you've seen thus far. You guys are going to know her better than anyone ever will. For example, while someone might think she's trying to communicate something, you'll cringe on the inside because you KNOW that she's clearly trying to tell you something completely different. Eh, I'm terrible at articulating my point, but I think it will make perfect sense once she's born. Just always, always trust your instincts and you can't go wrong!

It's going to be so awesome. You're going to cherish every little tiny thing about her. I'm so excited for you guys, I really REALLY am!!